
Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results

by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg
Illustrations by David Hamann Design

Want a truly creative organization? Then think Inside the Box. The traditional view says that creativity is unstructured and doesn’t follow rules or patterns. That you need to think “outside the box” to be truly original and innovative. That you should start with a problem and then “brainstorm” ideas without restraint until you find a solution. Inside the Box shows that more innovation— and better and quicker innovation—happens when you work inside your familiar world (yes, inside the box) using a set of templates that channel the creative process in a way that makes us more—not less—creative. These techniques were derived from research that discovered a surprising set of common patterns shared by all inventive solutions. They form the basis for Systematic Inventive Thinking, or SIT, now used by hundreds of corporations throughout the world, including industry leaders such as Johnson & Johnson, GE, Procter & Gamble, SAP, and Philips. Many other books discuss how to make creativity a part of corporate culture, but none of them uses the innovative and unconventional SIT approach described in this book. With “inside the box” thinking, companies and organizations of any size can creatively solve problems before they develop—and innovate on an ongoing, systematic basis. This system really works!


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Creativity in Product Innovation

by Jacob Goldenberg

Creativity in Product Innovation describes a remarkable new technique for improving the creativity process in product design. Certain “regularities” in product development are identifiable, objectively verifiable and consistent for almost any kind of product. These regularities are described by the authors as Creativity Templates. This book describes the theory and implementation of these templates, showing how they can be used to enhance the creative process and thus enable people to be more productive and focused. Representing the culmination of years of research on the topic of creativity in marketing, the Creativity Templates approach has been recognized as a breakthrough in such journals as Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Marketing Science.

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Cracking the Ad Code

by Jacob Goldenberg, Amnon Levav, David Mazursky and Sorin Solomon

Do you need to produce successful creative ideas in advertising? If so, then you need this book. For the first time, the secret of inventing new creative campaigns is unlocked, and practical tools are presented to allow quick production of creative ideas in marketing communications. Along with over 100 advertisement examples and numerous case studies, you also get a systematic analysis of the creation aspect of advertising, together with a taste of the real world of advertising and what makes it work. Marketing professionals in companies will learn what to expect from their agencies, whilst agencies will be able to explain their work to clients in an analytic language that is easily understood. This is essential reading for advertising professionals working for agencies and in marketing and communication departments. It is also a useful tool for students of advertising, marketing, communication, and management, from introductory level up to research faculty.

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